Budgeting for your trip: Airbnb!
How many of you are familiar with airbnb?

It's one of the methods I use whenever I attend conventions and other events that are longer than an hour drive away from me.
In fact, thats how I was able to attend katsucon this year. To give you an idea, I could have spent $700+ bucks on a 2 night stay in the host hotel (the gaylord for those who are unaware). Which lets face it, you still get what you pay for since it's a luxury hotel.
Me being a cheap bastard and knowing I have to think about future events to attend I know the importance of budgeting your money. Even holiday inn express in Alexandria which is right across the bay would have been a $300+ 2 night stay for the event, Not including the $60 bucks in parking I would have had to shell out.
Finally, I explored another option: Airbnb.
"But Raf, what is airbnb??"

I am glad you asked friend. Airbnb is a website where people can become hosts for the weary traveler. Think of it as a budget hotel/hostel system.
The host has a complete background check as well as personal information involving themselves and the room/apartment they may be renting out. The website offers reviews for both the host and the guest to fill out once the trip/stay is complete, and depending on the place it can be EXTREMELY affordable.
All you do is log in/create an account, fill out your personal information, and punch in the area you will need to stay for your trip. You will get a list of available hosts within the area which includes the price range. It's that easy.
To give you an idea, my trip to katsucon cost me $250. That includes the apartment I rented, gas, and parking. THATS CHEAP FOR NATIONAL HARBOR.
I understand that everyone has their own preferences though, but if your interested in exploring the option, your always free to check out airbnb through the link below. I actually get credit through airbnb for each guest that completes a trip! Just throwing out another option for those who wish to help support what I do 😉